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Rare Voices In Economics
Sep 5, 20215 min read
Roundtable: Pathways for More Inclusive Economics Departments - What Works and What Doesn't?
As part of the Rare Voices in Economics Conference, Women in Econ Léman hosted a roundtable discussion titled “Pathways for More...
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Alice Antunes
Jan 26, 20212 min read
Women in Econ Léman in the podcast "Unbiased - Making Numbers Speak"
Last week I had the absolute pleasure of talking with my good friend and former colleague Quentin Gallea (University of Zurich), on his...
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Laura Minu Nowzohour
Dec 23, 202013 min read
Chapter 8. Sexual harassment is only the tip of the iceberg of a cultural issue in economics
This is a summary and digest of thoughts coming out of our workshop on sexual harassment, consent and positive female sexuality held...
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Federica Braccioli
Nov 16, 20205 min read
Chapter 7. The Impact of COVID-19 on the Gender Gap and vice versa. What question to ask?
To get a sense of how the current crisis has been impacting the gender gap, let's take a closer look at two of its main sources: women’s...
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Alice Antunes
Oct 5, 20205 min read
Chapter 6: We need to look at gender through various lenses - intersectionality in economics
What is intersectionality, and how does it fit into the wider discussion on representation in economics research and the economics professio
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Federica Braccioli
Jun 15, 20205 min read
Chapter 5. The origins of gender stereotypes: is gendered behaviour only trained behaviour?
What role does early-childhood discrimination play in shaping later behavior? Or: are there behavior patterns that are inherent to...
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Laura Minu Nowzohour
May 18, 20205 min read
Chapter 4. Policy options: what works and what doesn't in leveling the gender playing field?
What are the policy options available to combat gender discrimination? What do we know about their effectiveness? What do we know about...
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Laura Minu Nowzohour
Apr 20, 20207 min read
Chapter 3. Micro aggression and persistent social norms
How do double standards and microaggression contribute to gender discrimination? What role does the threat of (intellectual) judgement or...
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Federica Braccioli
Mar 23, 20203 min read
Chapter 2. Leadership and glass ceiling in economics
Why do we lose so many women along the education and career path? What contributes to the glass ceiling in economics? What do we know...
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Alice Antunes
Feb 17, 20204 min read
Chapter 1. What do we know about the experience of women economists throughout their career?
For the first installment of our Women in Economics workshop EVER, we wanted to take a deep-dive into the career path of women...
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Laura Minu Nowzohour
Jan 1, 20203 min read
My motivation
I am luckily part of a department at the Graduate Institute which is fairly gender balanced. But there are other important struggles...
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Federica Braccioli
Jan 1, 20202 min read
Reasons and discoveries, my motivation.
Reason #1. I felt some social and moral responsibility to raise THE voice some other women can not raise. I felt lucky to have been...
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